Life Changes
Life Changes like the seasons. We don't argue with the Gods when the seasons change so why fret when life does? When it gets warmer outside or too breezy for our favorite summer outfit we adjust right? We change our wardrobe with the seasons. We embrace the change. Life should be no different. One of the few things that are certain in life is change. We change, our circumstances change, our environments change and so do the people around us. The color palate in this work was selected to speak to the comparison of life changing like the seasons. Each color choice represents a season. White = Winter, Yellow= Summer, Copper/Red= Fall, Green= Spring This work encourages us to adjust and embrace the changes that are sure to occur in life just as we do the seasons and live full.
Artwork Details: Completed in hues of green, copper, red, white, yellow, using aerosol, acrylic, oil pastel,
48x36x1.5 inches
C. 2023
Sealed for Preservation