Such Is Life (Not For Sale)
Life just is. It is Sweet moments that make us feel warm and fuzzy and then the moments that will have us feel like we are in a war and can’t catch our breath from dodging blows. Either way, all things are as they should be so we can fight them or flow with them. deny them or embrace the lessons they are designed to teach us. If we didn’t have moments that challenge us how ever would we grow?!
“Such is Life” is a work featuring the simple word “life” hanging from a string cause sometimes some people are just hanging on and that’s ok.
This work highlights everyday events such as past due bills, marriages, divorces, the birth of new life, or for some of our purpose, and high-ass grocery bills!
The words “thank you” are throughout to remind us to have gratitude no matter what.
The tire is a representation of what sometimes feels like the exhaustion of life. Going and giving your all until you nearly give out. The tire reminds us to be easy even when life seems like it is not cause we don’t want to burn out cause life is just gone keep life-ing anyway.
C. 2023
completed in hues of yellow, teal, black, white, using wood, string, varnish medium, acrylic, oil pastel, aerosol, paper, plastic bag, rubber tire