> A Deeper Explanation of Art: “In The Dark” – Roxy Wuz Here Art

A Deeper Explanation of Art: “In The Dark”

abstract art alignment Art about love Art exhibit Art therapy black owned business emerging artist functional art houston Art district Houston Art show Houston artist Houston TX local Local Artists meaningful art mental health and Art mental health awareness Montrose Houston museum Art Texas artist textured art voyage Houston

Disclosure: I was NOT in love with this piece but as the concept unfolded I realized this wasn’t for me or for me to love…

“In The Dark” started one evening during a nasty storm and the power went out, instead of stressing or getting upset because I couldn’t leave to go someplace with light since I was stuck home with Covid. I went into my studio and felt around IN THE DARK and grabbed anything that didn’t grab me back and put it on the canvas, hence the absolute lack of direction and Intent in the base/background. When the lights came back on, the next day I added the silhouette and words.

Even in your darkest moments, please know that you are absolute light! I can’t count the days I have had to be my light or else!

If your light has ever flickered, dimmed, or went all the way out and you had the courage, will, and determination to illuminate it again… you are unstoppable. It takes a special kind of human to walk into the darkness to pull someone else out it takes an even more superhuman to sit in their darkness and relight their flame! 


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