> Deeper Explanation of Art: Light of Humanity – Roxy Wuz Here Art

Deeper Explanation of Art: Light of Humanity

abstract art abstract artist African American artist Art exhibit art healing Art show emerging artist Houston artist meaningful art museum Art Roxy Wuz Here Art Texas artist

 The title “Light of Humanity”  was a gift from a trusted spiritual advisor. When I received the title, I had not created the artwork yet, I actually had no clue what it was supposed to look like. So I wrote the title on a sticky note and it lived on my desk for some months. There were moments during that time when I tried to envision what a work titled “Light of Humanity” would look like and still nothing. 

One day during a session working on the painting that was originally planned to be the second part of an already fabricated work of the Life is Life-ing series, I decided to implement a few random ideas and techniques to that piece and I immediately didn’t love what I had done so I tried to wipe the paint away before it dried and suddenly the act of trying to wipe away what I thought to be a mistake illuminated the painting. Suddenly I jumped back and yelled in shock and pride “THIS IS IT” THIS IS LIGHT OF HUMANITY” it was that artist breakthrough moment that reminds us that the work is worth it! 


As dark as we know this world can be sometimes,  it is important to keep in mind always that the smallest act of kindness can truly save someone’s day or even their life. Loving someone who does not look like you,  someone who does not walk through this world as you do, or just loving someone because they breathe, is light in humanity. Entering every situation with the intent to offer love regardless of what you may be faced with is light in humanity. 

We are all connected in ways that we may never realize so the way you treat people is truly how you feel about yourself because you are a part of this human body or collective. Light in humanity is being the light in the room without the need to dim the light of others but with purpose and the energy to be so magnificent that it can light up those around you.

“Light of Humanity” 36x50 inchs
C. 2023
Mixed medium on 5 mended canvases 
available for acquisitions 
📧info@roxywuzhereart.com https://roxywuzhereart.com/products/light-of-humanity


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