Healing Through Art Activation Recap

art healing Art show Art therapy Houston Art Therapy Houston artist Houston therapist meaningful art melanin minds mental health conference mental health and Art mental health awareness paint workshop Texas artist

Melanin Minds Mental Health Conference 2024 filled us to the brim!

It was a space where, tears were shed, laughs were had, minds were opened, bonds were built, perspectives were understood and, healing took place. 


Roxy Wuz Here Art was selected to install a Healing Through Art activation and facilitate conversations around Art as tool for mental wellness. The activation consisted of a curation of works from both the “Little Art Lovers” and “I Am” series. 

The concept of combining these two series for a Healing Through Art Activation was for the “I Am” series to provoke exploration of the healing work of our adult selves while the intentionality of vibrant playfulness from the “Little Art Lovers” series urges us to hold space for our inner child while sparking conversations around what it looks like to also hold space for today’s children’s mental wellness as they also experience the world.

Some of the most endearing moments during the MMMHC were times when we connected with guests and explained the concept and the interactive portion of the activation where all guest were invited to write, draw, or scribble on the “Dear Little Me” artwork an expression to their inner child. “Dear Little Me” became a co-creation between Roxy Wuz Here Art and the guests of the Melanin Minds Mental Health Conference.


Watching people take the time to tap in as they thought about what they would express to their little selves even the people who took time and came back the last day of the conference made the finished product even more special!

We are grateful to have not only participated but to offer the Roxy Wuz Here Art version of Healing Through Art with a Healing Through Art Activation.

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