Wounded Warrior Project Healing Through Art with Roxy Wuz Here Art

abstract art Art therapy Houston Art Therapy meaningful art mental health and Art mental health awareness paint workshop Roxy Wuz Here Art wounded warrior project

It is with immense honor that we share our recent collaboration with Wounded Warrior Project in Houston. This week Roxy Wuz Here Art Founder Rickale West, facilitated a Healing Through Art workshop for the women warrior peer group, and what a special occasion it was to connect with such a phenomenal group of women!

“The real treat about the workshops is witnessing the new birth of the provided concepts based on the individual journey of the guests. I can’t tell you what to paint or how to feel. The mission is to share my journey and show you what that looked like on canvas for me with hopes that it will provoke a deep inner reflection for you and help you leave your discoveries on the canvas. That is the Roxy Wuz Here Art Healing Through Art Workshop.”  

The concepts used for this special workshop where the  “I’m ok” artwork which was juried into the “Thin Line” Exhibition at The Art Center Highland Park in Highland Park Il, back in 2021 along with the “I’m Not Ok” artwork which was juried into the Citywide African American Artists Exhibition in summer 2022 with the University Museum at Texas Southern and Museum of Fine Art Houston. These two particular works are intentionally centered around mental health awareness and self perception and are always conversation starters when on view. Therefore, we felt they would be the perfect fit for this Healing Through Art Workshop.

Guest seemed to truly tap into the concepts of these two works and the workshop as a whole and even expressed remarks like  “A great option to dig a little deeper into yourself”

Art is the key that unlocked the doors where we intended to serve and Roxy Wuz Here Art could not be more honored to serve those who served our country. 

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