Deeper Explanation of Art: “Overcoming”

abstract art alignment Art exhibit Art show Art therapy black and yellow emerging artist functional art houston Art district Houston Art show Houston artist Houston therapist Houston TX local Local Artists meaningful art mental health and Art mental health awareness museum Art natural awakening houston psychotherapy by Angelina sawyer yards Texas artist textured art vulnerability yellow art

“Overcoming is a quadtych painting with elements all intended to highlight and acknowledge the stages of depression and overcoming it. Depression is not something that we can just make go away no matter how hard we wish we could. However it is something that can be managed with intentional effort and although for some that effort may seem harder to make than others this piece is a dedication to all those who have dealt with depression, are dealing with it currently and those who have put forth intentional effort working to overcome it.”


  • Black (The Dark Place)- represents the dark place that depression is. Many people experience some damning feelings and thoughts in this dark place the small bits of texture throughout represents all of the things that occur, traumas, day to day things, heartbreaks, and abuse. There are some of things  that can impacts ones mental state and force them into that dark place. The specs of glitter that are incorporated throughout the entire piece represent the potential hope hidden under all the pain that can come forefront when we work to come out of that darkness.
  • Red (Acknowledgment) - represents that in between place and acknowledgment that’s we are not ok. The most important thing about over coming is recognizing where you are and not allowing yourself to get stuck In that sunken place.
  • Orange (Management)- intentionally represent management. The texture and patterns are a symbolization of managing by creating routines this could be exercising, creating art, meditation, eating healthier, and even reading more to stimulate the mind. When creating a routine and sticking to a management plan you can move closer to that place of contentment and being happier.
  • Yellow (Joy)- represents joy. This includes the textures highlighted in the dark place and the management phase , because life’s stressors don’t just disappear, we learn to manage them. Yellow simply means joy. We can have joy while managing life’s stressors and with that we overcome depression. Depression can be scary and lonely and when properly managed can be turned into a work of art.

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