Recap of First Solo Art Show

abstract art Art exhibit Art show BamaTexas blackandwhiteart houston Art district Houston artist Houston TX Local Artists sawyer yards Texas artist

Old news is still good news! So, where do I begin? This past weekend I had my very first solo art exhibit! What an exciting moment in any artists career right? I have to admit the days leading up, I started to get a bit nervous, not because I haven’t participated in tons of shows before but because this was the first time that it was all about me. As a person who typically likes to stay low key, it was a littler nerve recking to think that anyone who came through the door was looking at work that ONLY I had created. 

Needless to say all of those nerves were for nothing, I could not have asked for a better first solo run out of the gate. It felt amazing and heart warming to witness the reception of the year and half worth of effort I spent on my “Challenges” collection. One down many more to go! 

A special thank you to BamaTexas located in First Industrial Studios at Sawyer Yards for hosting me! 


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