> Roxy Wuz Here Art & BamaTexas Presents: Alton Cooper’s “Unblocked”

Roxy Wuz Here Art & BamaTexas Presents: Alton Cooper’s “Unblocked”

abstract art Art exhibit Art show Art therapy BamaTexas black owned business heights houston Houston houston Art district Houston Art show Houston artist Houston TX Local Artists mental health and Art mental health awareness Roxy Wuz Here Art sawyer yards

Roxy Wuz Here Art has partnered with BamaTexas Creative Studio and Gallery to present a now sold out one day Art show “Unblocked” featuring the works of Houston Tx. based artist Alton G. Cooper! Alton’s works tell a  unique story from his perspective and we are honored to partner with him to share these works!

The show will take place Saturday July 8th from 12-4 pm at BamaTexas Gallery located at First Industrial Studios in Sawyer Yards 2102 Edwards St. Houston Tx. Suite 3 77007

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