Deeper Explanation of Art: “The Darkness of Life”

abstract art abstract artist Art show black abstract art houston Art district life is life-ing meaningful art museum Art textured art

“Darkness of Life ” is of the latest Roxy Wuz Here Art series titled “Life is Life-ing“

The series features artworks that are multi layered and multi medium abstract illustrations of lived or observed life experiences. Each work includes the word “Life” in the title with varied color palettes and textures to help truly speak to the concept of each work. Life happens everyday in so many different ways and it means something completely different to every one of us, no matter our walk. This body of work brings together multiple aspects of how life can be life-ing for anyone with the hope to connect every one and provide a look into that many different perspectives and understandings of life even if it’s not our own. 

Darkness of life

No pretty picture, no vibrant colors can describe the darkest corners of our mind and hearts so I do not offer that to you with this artwork. What I present is truth and challenge. We can not address all aspects of life without the “Darkness” 

Sitting in the darkness of your own shadow staring at your demons, sins, failures and defeats dead in the eyes. Reaching out for something, someone to save you only to realize no one is coming and you have to save yourself. Falling to your knees praying for a God, any God to forgive you for the cave of transgressions that your heart bears, knowing that their forgiveness for you will come before your own so you just sit and wait in the darkness of life. 

In the darkness of the night you demons pay you a visit, what do you do? Do you call for help, reach out your hand hoping someone will pull you out or do you just sit and become the flicker of light you need to see the path to atonement and redemption? Which is it? 

In this artwork are abstract layers and texted handprints which represent the reaching amidst the darkness hoping for something to reach back and pull you out. 


Artwork Details: completed in hues of black and paynes grey Aerosol, oil pastel, molding paste, acrylic, fluid acrylic, 

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